Thursday, October 09, 2014

25 Day Blog Challenge (Day 1)

Hi assalammualaikum! I'm backkkkkk hehehe after along time of not updating my blog here I am updating again. Actually, I was suppose to start update starting next week but I just can't wait hehehe 4 days more to PT3 and FREEEEEEEEDOM oh I swear I can't wait to be free from books and all. Okay so lets not waste our time talking about PT3 right. So the first challenge is introduction ngeh hello there my name is Nur Ardilla Bt. Meor Rosli. I'm 15 years old (yes a pt3 victim) I'm staying in Kuala Lumpur, I do not have a hometown which is beyond sad. I am always shy but trying to not be, sometimes I can be loud, sometimes I can be emotional, sometimes I can be annoying. I love chocolates so so so so much. I may look thin but I eat like a person who hasn't been eating for a 100 years. So I guess thats all for the introduction hehe there's still a long way to go. I'll always update more after pt3 *pinky swear* Toodles, see you soon!